Sat Feb 15 2014 Today was President Smiths bday. The APs, the financieros and we went to get him a present. We got him some candy and a ship made out of bones. Then we went to the offices after our studies and did email. Then we went to the Fortaleza, which is basically an old fort and now a military museum. After that, we ate lunch, hung out in the offices, and then bought bus tickets and picked up all the bolsas. We had a lesson with our investigator Ursula. Her mom speaks Portuguese and I remembered how lost I felt the first while in the mission because I couldnt understand much. It was quite an adventure, but we had a great lesson. We were really happy with it. Then we went to Carasco to Presidents house so we could drop off the present. I can now say that I ding dong ditched my mission president. In a suit.J We took the APs home and then we got home around 11.
Sun Feb 16 Today was great. Church was awesome. It felt like a normal church because we have a giant chapel and 93 people at church. Plus... I didnt have to teach anything for the first time in a while! There were great classes and great talks. We had lunch with the Melo family. They were nice but super quiet so we had to initiate all the conversation. Elder Woods told me before that they would try and talk us to be their link to get into the US. During lunch they were asking all about me. The questions people usually ask is 1, Where Im from 2, Pictures of my family 3, How old I am, and 4, if I have a girlfriend. The only people that ask if I have a girlfriend is the families that have girls that are about my age. After the interesting lunch, we had our weekly planning session. It went pretty well for how Little I know about the area. Then we went to Marys house. She is awesome. She was super nice, helpful, and spiritual. She is basically everyones dream convert. Then we got home and the Binghams invited us over to eat ice cream. Then we ate ice cream, and went to bed!
Monday Feb 17. My half birthday! Today I had to go sign my Uruguayan residency papers today. It was awesome because the whole ditrict from the MTC was there. I was so glad to talk to them and I talked to all of the Elders in our group! I ate McDonalds with Elder Baggett, Brown, and Finlay afterwards. McDonalds is actually pretty expensive here. Then we walked around the mall at tres cruces. When I left, we prepped the bolsas and I did the statistical numbers in the offices until our Family Home Evening. The FHE went very well. We ate after a spiritual lesson and we actually had pizza with cheese on it! At 10 oclock we made the bolsa run. We got home at 11:30. I dont sleep a lot in the offices.
Tues Feb 18. Today we had our studies and then went to work! We had lunch that was the best chicken I have had in a LONG time. It was great. I did updates on the baptisimal records and number sheets for the mission all day. We had a great lesson with Ursula about baptism. The record today was that we finally got home before9:30!
Wed Feb 19 Today we had our usual studies and then we went to Independencia to get the packages that got caught up in customs. Then we bought food and made lunch of rice, beans, salsa, beef, and tortillas. We worked in the offices until about 8. I was actually super focused in the offices today and that felt good! Then we went to Carmen Diaz´s house and talked to her about going to church. It was hard because it seemed like she was making excuses. Elder Woods was pretty disappointed after the lesson because she didnt seem super willing or excited to go to church, but life goes on!
Thursday Feb 20 Today we had a GREAT day. We woke up at 6 and went to go play basketball with the financieros and the APs. It was pretty fun! We then had our regular studies. Elder Woods and I went to pick up Susana Rey´s son, Juan Escobedo, from the airport after. He was awesome. Total Stud. He has been in the states visited for 6 months. We took him to his bus at Tres Cruces. I made panchos and longaniza for lunch. It was really really good. Then I went to Presidents house to get a couple signatures with Elder Lamb. Then we filled our van full of boxes we needed for our mission. Then when we got back, we unloaded it, and then Elder Woods and I went to get the bolsas. I organized all the mail. It was a ton. Then we visted Lorena. She was awesome. She is a strong member but has an inactive son. We talked about being converted and it was a really good lesson. Then she fed us a torta de fiambre. It was a great day and we had good attitudes!
Friday Feb 21 Today we started off the day with Ab Ripper X. I am already pretty sore. Then we had our regular studies and we were in the offices until lunch. After lunch I went on splits with Elder Miranda, our ZL from Colombia who is about to finish his mission. We had to go to his area and it was a bit of a bus ride. Then we had a sweet lesson with a less active man. We brought a man named Daniel, who is a RM. He served in Peru. He was a stud but he kind of took over our lesson. It was a good lesson, but I only talked a couple times. One cool thing he said though was that before the mission, he looked to missionaries as angels. After he served a mission, he looks at them as angels but he understands that MISSIONARIES NEED the help of the members. We had a broadcast after splits that was being broadcasted to the stake centers in Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay. It was just for melchezidek priesthood holders. It was a great broadcast. They talked about missionary work the whole time. They really “dropped the cane” as they say here, on the members and leaders. The missionaries really do need the help of the members to progress the work.