Elder Mitchel Cordy

Elder Mitchel Cordy

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Week 30 - May 10, 2014

This week we had changes. My change is up to Senior Companion now. Elder Castellanos is my new companion. He has one more change more than me here but we will end together. He is from El Salvador. He is a stud too. Comes up to my shoulder and weighs a whopping 115 lbs. Its a bit of a change from Elder Woods who is 6 foot 2 and 240. He is awesome. I like him a lot. He is a go getter and wants to work hard. So far, we have. I now live with 3 latinos. The last time I lived with three latinos was in Florencio Sanchez my first change. I remember the first night sitting at the dinner table just eating my food while the other elders were laughing their heads off. I felt so lost and helpless. Now I feel like I am somewhat in charge and I can even crack the jokes now! Its pretty fun living with latinos though, as long as they keep everything clean. 

Sat May 3. Today was an alright day. We got hair cuts after our studies and I went short again. Then we went to get the APs in Cerro. They dropped us off to go eat with the financers. Elder Brown made his noodle dish that he likes to make a lot. IT was pretty good. Then we went to the offices and wrote our families. Then I started on changes to be on top of it. Then we went at 5 to get the bolsas. Luis got baptized too. We went to his baptism. It was really cool. We found Luis the last week that we were in Barrio 5 before we changed areas. He shared an AMAZING testimony and I was very impressed. We had a lesson with the Salas family about agency. They yet again promised to go to church, so I hope they do this time!
Sun May 4. Today was fast Sunday at church. I was able to pass the sacrament too! After church, we found food mixes of mashed potates and stuffing. We made all that together with some chicken that I made. It turned out really good despite our first thoughts about it. After that, we went to take the sacrament to an Hermana in a health home. She was super nice and it was nice to have Hermano Betancour there. He is awesome. He is the only member that asks us if he can come work with us. He is pretty impressive. We went to the offices after that and worked on the changes until about 1:30 in the morning and then crashed on the couches. 
Mon May 5. Today was the most stressful day of the 7 months of my mission so far. We woke up and continued to work on changes. The thing that messed up our day was that one of the mission couples had to go take a health test and we had to be the personal taxi. We worked on concilio, changes, and the oro information all day until we bought tickets. Then we spent about an hour and then we took our taxi home. 
Tues May 6. Today the oros got here. Their flight got delayed so they got here late. Too bad that they didnt make it to breakfast, because we got to feast on all of what was ready for them to come. Then we took President and the financers around to run errands. On the car ride, we all talked about music and bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd. President also told us that he is taking his daughter Starla to the One Direction concert. What a fun mission president/dad. We also talked about high adventures that we have had. We had a great time together and I wish we could have more time with President like that. We did all the suitcase moving and then they kicked us out before lunch. We worked in the offices and took the oros to Flores and to a Choque de Fuerza. Then we went to 3C to buy the tickets for the concilio meeting. Then we took the oros back to the mission home. We came home so Elder Woods could shower. Elder Averett and I went to buy chorizos. On the way back, a guy that lives on the street called us over. He asked us about God and His plan. He told us about all of his problems and how he used to believe but now he doesnt. He doesnt believe God loves him and would let him live like that. We testified to him that we know that God has a plan. It was kind of a cool experience because we didnt know what to say to him, we just had to testify. 
Wed May 7. CHANGE DAY. Today was insane too. Elder Woods spent the night with our ZLs in Tres Cruces and Elder Brown slept with the oros. Elder Averett and I woke up at 5:45 and went to Carrasco. We got there and made sure that the oros were ready to go and their rooms were clean. Then we went to tres cruces to get Elder Woods and pick up Elder Castellanos. We took them to the mission home. The oros got back really early so we talked with them until it was time to meet their trainers. When they went to the temple after they had met their trainers, we went back to the offices to work. Then we were eating lunch. President called all the office elders in to their secret side of the house for a meeting. The meeting ended up being about Elder Woods. They got a letter in the mail with Elder Woods new call. He will serve his last 6 months in Reno Nevada. He leaves the 12th of May. The video is on the facebook page if you want to see the opening! After all that, we took the oros to 3C. Then we got the bolsa run ready and done. Then we took the Artigas ZLs, Elder Bulloch and Elder Aqueveque to the mission home. Got home at 11:15.
Thur May 8. Today was crazy. We woke up early to go fix President car. We took it to a Honda dealer in Ciudad Vieja. Then we went to concilio. Within a few minutes of feeling the spirit, I was asked to take Elder Larson and Elder Zapata to the airport. It was pretty cool but sad too. Elder Larson is a stud and I will miss that kid! Then I went to concilio to stay. Concilio was awesome. We were all sharing things at the end about what we learned and the spirit was SUPER STRONG. Its so cool to be with a ton of the studs in the mission. After it all ended, we made three trips to Tres Cruces to take the ZLs to make their buses. We finally ended in our own house at 12:15.
Fri May 9. Today was crazy too. I know its new news but still... We were running all around trying to get stuff done, but people from higher authority always let us know that we had to do something for them PRONTO. I ended up printing the list of the converts for every ward in the mission and making them into two different folders. We also had to get Presidents car from downtown and take it to his house. Then we went to the bienvenida for a missionary that just got home from Peru. We also met with the bishop and he gave us a couple more less actives to visit! Hopefully PDAY Will be relaxing! 

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