Elder Mitchel Cordy

Elder Mitchel Cordy

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Week 31 - May 17, 2014

Sat May 10. PDAY! Today was not a day of relaxing or preparing for anything… We played futbol before studies. After studies we picked up the APs and then we had lunch with Mary. She made lentejas. It was super good. Its like a bit meat soup with a couple vegetables thrown in there. We had a giant dulce de leche cake with flan for dessert. Then we went to Tres Cruces to pick up the bolsas. We went to Plaza Independencia with Elder Woods to try and get souveniers from a certain store, but it was closed. We drove to the offices and cleaned the place like CRAZY. Then we emailed. At 5 I ended my pday with my secretary job that was to call all the missionaries who had not got Ahold of their parents to tell them when the best time to call home would be. As the night came to a close, I had called over 40 missionaries mothers, fathers, bishops, and stake Presidents to try and get Ahold of someone to let them know. I ended my calls around 11:45 and headed home. I will be happy to have a stress free day.
Sun May 11. MOTHERS DAY! Today was started off pretty good at church. Nothing new or mind blowing but it was a good Sunday with a couple good lessons. We made leftovers for lunch and then we took the sacrament to a lady in a health home. She was once again very thankful for us. After that, we got the APs and their proselyting companions, as well as the Cerro ZLs to go to the offices. All twelve of us took turns calling our families. I called my family at eight. The phone call honestly just jumped up right on me. I remember my first skype home I was thinking about it for a couple weeks and writing things down I wanted to say or ask my family. This time I was just happy to see their faces and hear their voices. It was kind of weird at first but time FLEW by and it seemed like we hardly talked. I had a couple of my best friends there too and it was awesome to hear from them. After all the calls ended and we kicked everyone out of the offices, Elder Castellanos, Elder Averett, Elder Brown, Elder Amaral and I were stuck in the offices without a car or keys. We had to clean anyways, so we cleaned until just after twelve oclock at night. Then Elder Amaral made a quick meal of things we found in the kitchen, then we slept in the offices. We had a wrestling tournament for the couches, and I ended up winning the biggest couch. (Thats totally a joke. We didnt have a wrestling tournament but somehow I got the big couch.)
Mon May 12. Today when we woke up in the offices, we sent out the number sheets and then we took a bus home. We showered and then went back to the offices to do the numbers for the week. I taught Elder Castellanos how to do the numbers and he picked it up pretty fast! We had lunch with the Olivera family. It was a good lunch and they seem like a Strong family. We were in the offices until we had to take Elder Woods to the mission home to head to the Reno Nevada mission to finish off his last 6 months. He forgot his Passport and so we had to go back. The financers came with us and then they dropped Elder Brown and I off in Ciudad Vieja to go get a health exam for our drivers license. We are finally getting drivers  licenses next week because we just got our Cedulas (Uruguay Identification cards)! Elder Brown and I walked around looking for this place for about 25 minutes, asking a couple people where to go. We passed our vision, hearing, and blood pressure test. However, the doctor told me that I have poor vision and I need to eat and drink more. After all that happened, we did the bolsa run and got home at 11:30. Another crazy day.
Tues May 13. Today was quite a day. We had to run to 3C in the morning to buy a couple tickets. Then we took the bolsa to Cerro. We ate lunch and then had our zone conference. Our new District Leader is Elder Amaral from Brasil. He is a stud. Then we cleaned the offices until they were cleaned almost to a scary point. Then we took Elder Arbon to his area in a taxi, and then we came back. Then we got the bolsa from the ZLs from Cerro, and went to our area. We went around contacting people and a couple references we had. A couple girls that were probably about 18-20 called us huevos, and Elder Castellanos said we should contact them. They were cracking up the whole time and when we were talking to them. They were super embarassed too. Then we contacted a man called Fernando. He let us in his house and we taught him lesson 1.1 about the restoration and prayer. He had a lot of great questions. He doesnt have a great family situatioon and he smokes, but we have faith! Then we went to the Salas family and talked about perspective and attitude. I really enjoyed that lesson. It was a GREAT to get out to work and to FINALLY FIND an investigator!
Wed. May 14. Today the financers had a big audit that they have been preparing for. Also, Elder Zaballos, from the 70 was coming to have a tour of the offices. President first arrived and was very impressed with the cleanliness of the offices but he said there is always more to do! We worked in the offices and then we had to take the auditor, Gomez Paz, to the airport. Then we stopped at 3C to pick up bolsas and send vean bags for the Winter. Then we went to the Varelas and had a great lesson about families. Then we stopped at Disco and I bought Yogurt which is the first food I have ever bought for this house.
Thurs. May 15. Today was complicated with the cars. President was in Tbo with the van. We took Jerry home from school, went to Carrasco and back in a taxi, and had a ward council and mission meeting with our new ward mission leader. We also picked up all the bolsas and bought Colonia tickets for the week.
Fri. May 16. Today we had a conference with Elder Zaballos. We learned about prayer, effective studies, and learning languages. It was a really good conference. I loved Presidents talk he gave about good prayer and studies. He proposed a really cool and new way to pray and study that can affect the rest of the day. I also came out with a desire to learn Portuguese. 80% of the LDS members can speak Spanish or English. 90% of the LDS members in the world speak either English, Spanish or Portuguese. We had to make a run to the grocery store to buy 18 6 liter jugs of wáter for the conference. Then we had lunch and talked for a while. Then we worked in the offices. We went to go play futbol but the other ward had the chapel. Then we went to a corto plazos house who will serve for 3 months that is leaving tomorrow. We helped him pack, calm down his parents, and give him a blessing. He will leave tomorrow to work in Rivera for 3 months. 

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